Thursday, January 25, 2007
Aisyah seldom plays the toys stored in the plastic box in the living room and the collection keeps growing. She doesn't own many of the toys in the box because most of the toys were her cousin's since my mil is looking after him in the daytime. I think I'm going to put all the toys that she didn't want to play anymore in another plastic box under our bed and maybe pass them to Adam, another one of Aisyah's cousin since Aisyah only comes back on weekends.
I don't think it's a good idea having these boxes since most of the toys won't see daylight again unless she digs into the box. The living room looks neater but it still defeats the purpose of having a kid to play with the toys. Even her books are kept in the plastic box. Although the non-board books are already torn and look pathetic now, I still do think that these books should be living a worthy booklife instead of being kept inside the boxes. I do hope that we could get a small bookshelf to keep all her books and keep as lil toys as possible. Afterall how many toys can a kid play with anyway?