Once again I am thinking whether to homeschool Sarah or just send her to another kindy. I used to ask myself the same question before Aisyah was enrolled in Hanis. I called Hanis up last week and was shocked to find that they were not accepting anymore students. Their 2011 nursery classes had filled up this year's kindy spaces and I had to find another alternative. I had shortlisted several islamic kindys in the area and nearby (well, actually they're not so nearby in hougang, marine parade, Yishun).
I interviewed friends who had sent their kids but I didn't get satisfactory info abt the kindy. All of them had to send their kids to extra phonics lesson and/or arabic lesson in k2 to prepare for irsyad's entrance tests. If I had to send Sarah for extra lessons after that, wouldn't it be better if I homeschool her instead? I have a gist of what she must learn in her kindy years before she can sit for the test somewhat in April 2014.
I am currently reading up n lots and lots of homeschooling information and I am pretty overwhelmed by the mountains of info found. Fortunately I have found a Muslim sg homeschool mummy on fb who's ever so willing to share what she knows abt homeschooling...Alhamdulillah! But someTimes I don't have the confidence to do it. What if I fail??! A scary thought indeed.