etcetra etcetra
Wednesday, May 16, 2007I didn't expect my darling zod to die so fast. One thing i'm going to miss apart from the kickass screen is the palm os graffiti2. It's a chore, writing on my ancient tungstenT but well, people adapt and I will too.
Speaking of adaptability, I'm coping well with my new post of part-time sahm. Why part-time? Well, cos I send Aisyah to my mum's place nearing the weekend to complete my assignments. It's also an excuse for me to recharge myself. I still wish my family could stay somewhere near my area than I can work fulltime and still see Aisyah everyday. But houses here ain't cheap and things happened for many reasons so I think that this is the best option for now. Besides I don't really like my previous job. :P
But being at home doesn't mean I have more time. In fact time flies at many times faster than when I was working. I don't have the luxury of time to blog. I am even regaining self control in logging into my pc except to see Elmo singing the alphabets or Baby Bop jumping to the beat of If All the Raindrops.
Going out do help a lot to keep me sane so I take her out for quick trips to ntuc to get some diapers and biscuits or just strolling around our neighbourhood, looking at passing vehicles and pigeons. I do check the occasional emails and read bits and pieces of news when she's taking her daytime naps.
Her sleeping pattern has also improved a lot. On most nights, she slept before midnite. The solution is actually make Aisyah really tired by 10pm by entertaining her, letting her explore around the house and by 11pm, she would have already golek2 on the bed. I pretend to sleep with her and it seems to calm her down and relaxes herself on the bed too, sniffing her bantal bushuk. I would love to do something on my pc after she's asleep but the problem with this is, I usually ended up snoring beside her. hah!